St. Paul Chong Hasang parishioners are called by our Baptism to embody the Universal Mission of the Catholic Church. This mission is to bring all human souls to God's love and understanding.
(2025/02/10) Mark 6:53-56
Lord, Creator of all things, send forth Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Help me to recognize my need so that I can reach out to You and be healed. I want to focus my life and work on You and serve my brothers and sisters as best I can. You are the Eternal Word through whom the Father created the world. You have recreated the world through your passion, death, and resurrection. Pour out Your Spirit in me to sanctify and perfect what You have created.
7:30 AM,
10:00 AM,
11:30 AM (Korean and English)
6:30 PM ( Vietnamese on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the Month)
Monday------9:00 AM (Communion Service)
Tuesday------5:30 PM
Wednesday--9:00 AM
Thursday-----5:30 PM
Friday----------9:00 AM
Saturday------5:30 PM
New Confession Schedule:
Tuesdays: 4:30 P.M. - 5:15 P.M.
Fridays: 8:30 A.M - 8:50 A.M.
Saturday: 4:30 P.M. - 5:15 P.M.
If you are unable to receive the Eucharist at the Altar (walk up), please notify an usher before Mass, and Holy Communion will be brought to you.
We invite all our widows and widowers, know that you are always welcome! The schedule is set. Our meetings will occur on the 2 nd Thursday of each month at Noon, where we will also have lunch together. Questions; contact Deacon Al, [email protected] (254)-681-8675.
High School Youth Group meets Sundays from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Carlo Acutis building located behind the Faith Formation Center. All high school youth are welcome. Contact KC Powers at [email protected] or 254-338-7875
EIM compliance is required for persons active in most ministries in the diocese. Do you need to be compliant? New to the EIM process? Already have an EIM account? Visit to learn about compliance policies, how new applicants get started, and how active users maintain compliance. Contact [email protected] for further assistance.
El cumplimiento con EIM es requerido para personas activas en la mayoría de ministerios en la diócesis. ¿Necesita usted estar en cumplimiento? ¿Es el proceso de EIM algo nuevo para usted? ¿Ya tiene una cuenta de EIM? Visite para aprender sobre las políticas de cumplimiento, cómo comenzar si es un nuevo aplicante, y cómo los usuarios activos se mantienen en cumplimiento. Contacte a [email protected] para recibir mayor asistencia.